Tom Bender
September 1997

1. LIFE FORCE ENERGY, or CHI, is the basis of all Creation.

2. THE ENERGY FIELDS IN THE EARTH are a source of energy and information to all living matter.

3. THE BREATH OF LIFE, or "chi", exists in all people, places, and things, and is vital to their interaction.

4. THE ASTROLOGY OF PEOPLE AND PLACES, and the timing of their interaction, play an active role in the outcome of those interactions.

5. THE HEALTH OF ALL CREATION is essential to our well-being.

6. OUR MINDS AND HEARTS are an integral and powerful part of our interaction with the world on both sides of our skins, and must be addressed in design and use of place.

7. OUR RELATIONSHIPS WITH THE PAST AND THE FUTURE - towards our ancestors and our descendants, what preceded us and what evolves out of our existence - are important to the outcome of interactions with our surroundings.

8. HARMONY WITH OUR COSMOLOGY needs to be integral to the design of our surroundings.

9. SACREDNESS is central to meaningful lives and an enduring society,

10. DESIGN AND USE OF OUR SURROUNDINGS are spiritual paths, based on love and giving.

38755 Reed Rd.
Nehalem OR 97131 USA
© September 1997